Security - Datamatiker 4. semester
Project maintained by DatSecDK
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Week 10 (Wednesday + Thursday)
Authentication/login- strategies
In this week we introduce and implement a number of different authentication strategies.
We will look at the consequences of picking a strategy, and when to pick one over the other.
After this week you will be able to:
- Select an authentication strategy for a specific problem
- Use Java’s declarative authentication and authorization features
- Explain and use Basic HTTP-, Form based-, and Token Based Authentication + OpenId Connect
- Use java’s security features to provide user specific data, without needing to specify a primary key
- Understand how to implement user defined security (even if, often not recommended)
- Implement your own JWT controlled backend
- Explain when to authenticate (sometimes one login is not enough)
- Explain how to treat users passwords
- Explain (and demonstrate) how to prevent brute force attacks
Note: Again this is a pretty big mouthful, and the lessons this week will, if you, after this week, don’t feel completely confident with the learning goals outlined above, we will summarize in week 11.
What to read
- Read the Section “Authenticate Users Safely” in this article
- Skim this article “HTTP authentication”
Read this article “Securing Web Applications” related to Java (and Tomcat)
- Read this article, “Cookies vs Tokens: The Definitive Guide” but STOP when you reach the section “Token-Based Authentication in Action with Auth0”
- Watch this video. It’s long almost an hour, but gives a perfect overview of token (jwt) based authentication.
- Watch this video. It’s only 11 minutes.
- Read this article: Cookies vs. Tokens: The Definitive Guide
Slides for Wednesday
Exercises for Thursday
- Exercises (long, you should write down your observations as you go through the exercises)
Exam questions
Explain about use cases and the pros & cons of the following authentication/Login-strategies