Security - Datamatiker 4. semester
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Week-08-Crypto,SSH, SSL, Certificates and more
Cryptograhy, Certificates, Digital Signatures
This is going to be a pretty heavy week when it comes to theory. Most of the exercises will not involve code, but steps necessary to understand and USE the terms below, and see how they are all required to get a secure connection in a browser
- SSH and SSH Tunnels
- Symmetric Encryption
- Asymmetric Encryption
- Hashing and Hash Digests
- Digital Signatures
- Certificates
- Certificate Authorities and Certificate Trust Hierarchies
- :red_circle: MAC (Message Authentication Code)
- :red_circle: Cipher Suites
What to Install
WireShark if not already done. If you have installed Kali Linux, just continue with the version available here.
WireShark SSL-handshake sample we did in the class wireshark-sample (TBD)
Wednesday March 20 th.
Thuersday March 21 th.
Exercises :memo: