Security - Datamatiker 4. semester

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Week-01 Introduction and OWASP (A10)

The plan for this week is to get an overview of the course, and delve into the first topic. Every third week (more or less) we will have both Wednesday and Friday. Typically Fridays will be workshop days.

What to Read

Please open and skim:

OWASP Top 10 - 2017 The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Risks PDF

Slides: 01-OWASP, A10, and Firewalls.pdf

Learning Goals

After this week you will be able to:


An important thing to prevent attacks is to have a firewall in place. However, a firewall also allow us to see if our system is under attack by logging those attacks.

Ubuntu comes with a build in firewall called ufw (uncomplicated firewall).

Useful links:

Exam questions

OWASP Rating Methodology

Logging and monitoring